2012 and such

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here is a short list of what I've been up to --

1) Making really fun coupons (totally PG) at the last minute (sorry babe) for our anniversary.

2)Making creme puffs, small ones, big ones, filled with custard, creme, or ugly dip (yes ugly balls I'd love to know what the search engines are going to do with this post)

3) Reading the Hunger Games (PG-13 ish) , followed by Game of Thrones (not good for kids, I blush and turn pages quite often)

4) Reading my favorite blog - lateenough.com because while I don't have children, I find stories about them freaking hilarious.

5) Working, Working, and then going home and sleeping

6) getting ready for the coolest small group ever where we go and eat food.

7) Planning my next Ohio invasion of IKEA - mom + me + some exhibit she thinks is really cool (and I do too....or maybe I'm in it for Ikea, Jungle Jim's and the chance to see Kristen)

*** 8) Crafting my heart out while welcoming Sara & Anne's adorable little babies in to the world.

9) Hosting Passover and Easter in the same weekend (we were obviously delusional) but really it was fun, great time, great food, and my house survived kids painting in the livingroom (light carpet and kidS (a small human who has not lived more than 10 years on this earth X many of them)

10) Hosting a ladies tea where we ate some fantastic deserts, and were surprised by some AMAZING break Mrs. T brought over (check pinterest for more info)

11) Helping to plan my 10 - year high school reunion

12) volunteered as part of the street team for the Super Bowl

Pretty much been a stellar start to 2012


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